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Selectmen Minutes 11/25/2014
  Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Member Present: Richard DeBold, Michael Paveglio, Jeffrey Jordan, Town Administrator Jodi Pinard

Others Present: Philip Hitchcock, Donna Chagnon, Alan Quimby, Ed Millette, Pat Clarke, John Martell, Jim Plunkett, John Freeman, Tom Houle, Lucille Noel, Matt Cole

Call to Order: Mr. DeBold called the meeting to order at 6:30pm.


Department Heads

Police – Chief Clarke stated the DOT Matrix printer crashed this week and the department had to purchase a new one. I would like to purchase the printer out of the Police Department Office Equipment Capital Reserve Fund. We did shop around. WB Mason is where we were able to purchase the printer from.

A motion was made by Mr. DeBold and seconded by Mr. Paveglio to purchase the DOT Matrix printer in the amount of $354.09 to be paid for out of the Police Department Office Equipment Capital Reserve Fund. Motion Passes.

Chief Clarke informed the Board the tablets have been installed in the cruisers and training has been set up.

Emergency Management – Nothing to Report

Fire – Chief Quimby wanted to publicly thank the Police and Ambulance staff for the incident on King Road. I want to commend the Departments for their efforts.

Chief Quimby stated we are looking into replacing the 2000 Ambulance. We are looking for direction from the Board on how to proceed. I know that we put out RFPs for the purchase of the fire truck last time and that process worked well. But we wanted to get direction from the Board.

Matt Cole stated we are asking if you would like us to follow the sealed bid process or if we can send out an RFP. Each company has their own way of building things. You really have to be up on the specifications that you would like to move forward with those types of bids.

Ed Millette stated you are buying a specialized piece of equipment. It can be really hard to shop the same exact specifications.

Mr. Paveglio stated that if you do the RFP this is going to require three bids.

Consensus was for the Fire Department to put out an RFP for the Ambulance.

Mr. Paveglio asked about the issue with parking at the school.

Matt Cole stated this has been placed on the back burner since the change in administration.  I am working with the principal to move this back to the forefront.

CIP – Matt Cole stated we have a draft spreadsheet and are hoping to hold a Public Hearing on Dec 11. We are working towards a spreadsheet that is finalized for your budget season.

Building – John Freeman stated eleven permits have been issued since the last meeting. Two are new homes and two are renovations. The remaining permits were electrical, plumbing, and mechanical.

Highway – Jim Plunkett stated all of the salt has been delivered for the year. I have been calling around regarding the door for the salt shed. We took two large pine trees down on Short Falls Road. We took the trees down because the road was not wide enough. By removing these trees it will assist us with the width of the road. We delivered wood to a person in need. We are still waiting for the truck to come back from Decato. The Conservation Land at the top of West Road has been posted by the resident no hunting, no parking, no trespassing. I have been working on the RAC draft plan and am trying to get that out before next week. We are going to send out the bids for the road work as a tentative bid.

Mike Paveglio stated he had never seen the low salt signs on Canterbury Road and Lane Road before.

Jim Plunkett stated that they are scenic roads and he will be reducing the salt to see how it goes.

Library – Lucille Noel stated on Sunday the well at the Library was producing too much water. The custodian plugged the two holes which sent the water through the electrical harness forcing water into the library. On Monday, Epping Well will be at the library to take a look and hopefully find a solution to the problem. The new front door has been installed.
Ed Millette stated the cap on the well seemed to be off center. I’m not sure but maybe that has something to do with it. The other problem that is going to happen long term is rusting will occur if the leaking continues which will weaken the integrity of the pipe.

Forest Fire – Nothing to report

General Business/Board Discussion:

Personnel Policy Changes

Tabled for next meeting

Outstanding Items:

Canterbury Road – State Agreement
Mr. DeBold stated that he was a little hesitant when he first reviewed the document. But after reviewing how the reimbursement occurs I feel a little more comfortable.
Mr. Paveglio stated we are not committing to taking over Canterbury Road by signing this SAH Agreement. This will continue to move the process forward.

Public Input
Philip Hitchcock stated at the last wrap meeting for Old Home Day, the Grange informed the group it would no longer sponsor the event. The town does not have a part in Old Home Day. We had a meeting and Hannah said that the Grange would transfer the funds to the new committee when an Old Home Day Committee was formed. We are in the process of registering the committee with the state. This will be a non-profit to the public and we will be having a public meeting in December to officially form the committee as well as elect officers.

Lucille Noel stated the company that will be completing the window sills will be here on Tuesday. I am coming down to work with her. We have signed the receipt for the Shirley Waters Trust in advance of receiving the check. Barbara Frangione will be 90 next Tuesday.

Tom Houle stated that I think we are not business friendly. I think that is the climate that we have on the Planning Board. I think we need do something to bring business into this town.

Mr. DeBold stated if Chichester had an Economic Development Committee what do you think they need to concentrate on?

Tom Houle stated to get more business it town and promote the businesses that are currently here.

Mr. DeBold asked if the Zoning Ordinances may also be a contributing factor to the unfriendly climate.

Mr. Houle said yes that could be an issue as well.

Consensus of the Board was for Mrs. Pinard to gather information on forming an Economic Development Committee.


A motion was made by Mr. Paveglio and seconded by Mr. Jordan to adjourn the meeting at 8:05pm. Motion Passes

Respectfully submitted,
                                                                Not approved until signed
Jodi Pinard, Town Administrator

Richard DeBold, Chair                        D. Michael Paveglio                               Jeffrey Jordan